Core Values


Integrity: We define integrity as being true to our word and standing behind our commitments. Integrity is the cornerstone of our business. Integrity is what builds trust with our clients, investors, employees and the investment community.

Innovation: Our firm recognizes that an important part of our workplace is developing and improving our skills. We hold that learning is a constant process. We think this type of workplace fosters innovative thinking and best serves our clients.

We believe respect and support for each other are crucial parts of our workplace. We value the input of our colleagues and clients. We recognize that everyone can make a contribution and add value to our organization.

We foster a culture of excellence and set high standards for all our endeavors. We are a meritocracy that rewards, develops and promotes our staff based on performance.

Investment decisions are based on rational assessments of the facts, and rational thought and actions go hand in hand with discipline in making investment and business decisions. Relying on rational processes to evaluate change in the economic and business environment will lead to superior long term investment results.